10:00 am
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sperl, Rektor PMU
Prof. Dr. Massimo Pignatelli, AAHC
Doz. Paul Sungler, CEO University Hospitals Salzburg
Mag. (FH) Andrea Klambauer, Member of the provincial government
Dr. Wilfried Haslauer, Govenor of Salzburg
The Intersection of Politics and Health: decision-making during times of crisis
10:30 - 12:30 pm
Rektor Prof. Dr. Markus Müller (MUW)
The role of the Medical University of Vienna in the Covid-19 pandemic
Prof. Dr. Lars Schaade (Robert Koch Institut)
Scientific advice to politics during the COVID-19 pandemic - the role of the Robert Koch Institute
Rudolf Anschober
Consequences of the past experiences of the Covid pandemic management in Austria
DI Dr. Nikolas Popper (TU Wien)
Why can mathematical models and simulation be useful in the Covid pandemic?
Panel discussion additional with
Dr. Susanne Rabady (KL),
Dr. Mursch-Edlmayr (Apothekerkammer)
Lunch break
12:30 - 1:30 pm
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Huber (Co-Founder BioNTech)
Translating research into life
Reimagining the Role of University Hospitals in Patient Care in the Post COVID World
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Richard Greil (PMU)
The pandemic and the role of academia between science and politics
Prof. Dr. Heyo Kroemer (Charité)
The Network of University Medicine (NUM) and its role in combating the Covid-19 pandemic
Prof. Dr. Jialin Zheng (Tongji - China)
Current practice in treatment and research in China: a tongji Story
A.o. Prof. Dr. Barbara Friesenecker (MUI)
Covid - (intensive) medical care and ethical challenge
Panel discussion additional with
Prof. Dr. Maria Flamm (PMU)
Prof. Dr. Achim Jockwig (Clinic Nuremberg)
Pandemic as Catalyst for New Education Methods
4:15 - 6:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Anita Rieder (MUW)
The pandemic and its demands on medical curricula
Prof. Dr. Christian Pirich (PMU)
Skills development in times of distance learning
Mathias Stöck (PMU)
E-learning: Opportunity for the future or means to an end?
Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli (University of Zurich Medical School)
Tradition vs. Digitalization: A Zurich perspective
Prof. Dr. Luciano Saso (Sapienzia University – Rome)
Innovation in medical education in the digital era
Panel discussion additional with
Rektor Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mallinger
09:30 - 10:00 am
The Role of Medical Universities as Research Centers in Collaboration with Pharmaceutical Companies and Laboratories; Vaccines and testing in the times of COVID-19; Acceleration of drug development and cutting of administrative bureaucracy; “Reimagining and accelerating academic research in collaboration with industry and government.”
10:00 - 12:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Ursula Wiedermann-Schmidt
SARS-COV2 seroprevalence vaccination studies and national & international committee work during the pandemic
Prof. Dr. Robin Rumler (Pfizer)
Covid-19 vaccine development in record time. What we can learn from "Project Lightspeed"
DI Dr. Christa Wirthumer-Hoche (AGES-MEA)
The regulatory approval process of Covid 19 drugs with the involvement of AGES-MEA
Prof. Dr. Jadranka Buturović Ponikvar (UMC Lubljana)
Panel discussion additional with
Dr. Georg Mustafa (Medilab)
Prof. Dr. Barbara Kofler (PMU)
Biopsychosocial effects of COVID-19 on Society: Chance for change or insurmountable trauma?
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pieh (DUK)
Psycho-social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic
Dr. Jördis Frommhold (Heiligendamm)
Long Covid - recovered is not yet healthy! The importance of rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. Josef Jenewein (MUG)
Crisis, crisis dynamics and crisis management: a medical-psychological attempt to understand how to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects
Dr. Martin Sprenger (MUG)
Why health impact assessments are needed
Panel discussion additional with
Prof. Dr. Barbara Sperner-Unterweger (MUI)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Waller (Clinic Nuremberg)
Discussion: Forecast into the future
3:15 - 4:15 pm